Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thing 16 - You Tube

You Tube is, by far, my absolute most favorite of all the 23 Things. Who could have predicted this phenomenon? The world has certainly become a smaller place since You Tube. We can now share our happy moments, our sad ones, even our silly ones, with everyone else in the entire world. What a blessing this is. I found a great clip of a young girl performing a flaminco dance that I would like to share with you now. Take a look at it here:

Or for those among you with more sophisticated tastes, here is a clip of Elvis singing
"Amazing Grace:"

And another live recording of Elvis singing "I Can't Help Falling in Love" that has been viewed more than 800,000 times since it was posted, about a year and a half ago. I wonder what Elvis would have thought about YouTube???

One day soon I'll have the courage to add a video of my own. Wait for it with measured anticipation.

Thing 15 - Rollyo

I've just added a Rollyo search box to my blog, so I think this is what Rollyo does--it gives you a way to search all of the relevant websites for your term. You can list some of your favorite or recommended websites to search, so the results would be a better (more reliable) list of hits to peruse. This might be a better way to present the Great Links on the library's webpage. As it is now one must first know that they are listed under "Look it Up," and then "Great Links." There are some really great websites there, but I wonder how many patrons actually find them. If we used Rollyo for these, they could be grouped into the same categories they are now.