Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thing 23 - Take a Short Survey

So the time has come, the time is now, I've done my 23 things and now I can go......take a brief survey! Yeah! It's been tons of fun, NEFLIN. Thanks for all the great memories. I will now venture forth into virtual reality with less trepidation and waaay more confidence. I can't help wondering, though, how many more new things we will need to learn tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.! Oh well, that's what keeps me interested!

Friendly Technology

After assisting several patrons with technology in our public library branch today, I feel both elated and secure.
Elated because there is a growing excitement about new digital resources. A patron who was checking out books on CD was delighted to learn we have downloadable audio books. Another patron e-mailed to say "thanks" for purchasing more than one subscription to downloadable audios and videos. Many patrons logged on to surf the Internet. Many others checked out books, recorded books and/or movies to while away a rainy day in the cozy warmth of their own homes.
Secure because during the same work day I helped other patrons navigate basic library technology, including photocopying, finding an article in Consumer Reports (it's online now but my patron preferred print), and tracking down an interlibrary loan that went astray.
The question of the day today (April 14) was all about income tax -- forms, publications, economic stimulus, AARP, VITA, etc. Next week it will be different, but I am pretty sure that there will always be a question! Public librarians still provide a much needed service: a friendly and (mostly) seamless connection to the world of information.