Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thing 14 -- Online Productivity Tools

There are so many gadgets (or is it widgets) that you can put on your blog or your website. I don't really see the need for most of them, although I must admit to forgetting an important appointment recently. Perhaps I do need a gadget! One that will stun me into consciousness and make me remember where I am supposed to be and at what time! My old fashioned hand written date book works just fine, when I remember to use it. And I can carry it around with me wherever I go. What could be better than that? Ah, well, but the assignment is to examine online productivity tools. So I will start with a definition. What are they? I found a list among the online resources provided by NEFLIN. They include things like Zoho, 30 Boxes, Google Docs, Bloglines, and Pageflakes. I've seen or tried most of these, so I think my focus for this exercise will be the online calendar. The name "30 Boxes" sounds fun, so I have set up another online account with yet another user name and password. Now I have my schedule for the month of March online. I can have "buddies" who could have access to my calendar. The calendar will be available to me when I am not in the office. And the calendar will also be on my blog!

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